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Kutyával télen

Winter is not only a time of discomfort for us, the owners, because of slush, icy winds and of course the cold, but also for our puppies. A with your dog in winter should be treated differently!
Because while we can dress in layers and wrap ourselves in thick coats, our puppies don’t have that “luxury”.
Our latest post brings you 5 tips and advice for dog owners to help you get through the cold months !


Paw care don't miss it!

For our dogs, exercise is essential, even in winter.
Although it’s not the time of year when we usually get our pups the most exercise, they need regular walks just the same.
However, there is no hair on their feet to protect them from the cold or other environmental damage.

The most common problem encountered with paws in winter is that the salt used to salt the roads washes out the paws of dogs.
This causes a painful and difficult to heal wound.
For this reason, we recommend that avoid salted paths and wash your pet’s feet with lukewarm water after walks.

Also, use a paw cream that helps skin regeneration.
These products contain only natural ingredients and therefore do not cause skin irritation!

Mancsápolás ne maradjon el

For outdoor puppies extra calories are important

To protect your dog from the cold, it’s worth not only buying a super, insulated dog house, a thermo thermal curtain, but also to provide a little extra calories for your doggy.
Because the natural extra layer of fat provides super insulation.
Some farmers give 10% more of the tried and tested feed, while othersswitch to “fattier” feed for the winter months.
A mi tapasztalataink szerint jól bevált a Carnilove bárányos-vaddisznós tápja erre a célra, vagy a Farkaskonyha bio kókuszolaja rácsorgatva a normál tápra.


Do you have a puppy/old dog or a short/short-haired dog? Then buy him a dog suit too!

Buying dog clothes is no longer a gentleman’s game!
After more and more of us keep our puppies indoors, they don’t grow very thick winter coats.
In addition, many shearling dogs, such as poodles, do not have undercoats to keep them warm.

So a good warm dog suit is essential for him.
But the smooth-haired dachshund is also famous for doing the “I’m hiding under a blanket or I’ll freeze to death” routine in temperatures as low as 10 degrees.


Visiting relatives during the holidays - plan ahead!

Today, it is no longer uncommon for families to be scattered in different parts of the country.
However, during the holidays, most of the family tries to get together, at least for a meal or a meal together.
However, if you are the visitor, it is worth checking with the family member whether it would be a problem to take the pet with you.
Your host may have a cat who is terrified of dogs.
Or a baby who might be reluctant to take an amber cat into their tiny flat.

+1 Petguru tip: If you can’t manage to take your pet with you, find a reliable dog sitter on PetWiseCare who will even look after your dog in your own home!



Don't let him, to eat the snow!

There are several reasons why we do not recommend letting your dog eat snow.
One reason is very simple. cold snow causes tonsillitis in dogs very easily.
This will of course be followed by a costly vet visit and home medication.
Another reason is that snow, however clean it may look, can contain harmful substances and bacteria, which can cause further problems.

Of course, there is much more than these things that careful owners need to pay attention to in winter, and indeed all year round.
For example. boosting immunity or choosing the right parasite protection and use.
Don’t forget to take your mandatory and recommended vaccinations, and don’t miss regular worming!
These may seem like small things, but this is how you can become a truly responsible, conscious farmer!

If you want to give your puppy the best food or supplements, but you are lost in the offer, look for Petguru They are available by email and of course by phone for you!

Take care of your dog, have a good winter walk we wish you!

állatorvos kisállatokkal

As owners, one of our biggest fears is that our pet will get hurt or feel unwell.
There are obvious situations where we know we need to rush to the vet immediately, but there are also situations where it’s not so easy to determine the severity of the situation.

If you are worried about your pet and think something is wrong, take it to the vet, the sooner you start treating an illness the better, and if everything is fine you can go home and not spend days wondering if you should take it.

But what if it’s 11 at night, or you’re home alone with a baby, or youre sick in bed yourself?
What if you are away on holiday and someone else is looking after your pet?

In the following, I would like to give you some guidance and advice to help you decide when to call your vet or go to the emergency room.

As an owner, the first thing you may notice if your pet has a problem is that he or she is not behaving as usual.

He sleeps more, breathes differently, doesn’t want to play, is groggy. However, behavioural changes can be caused by the front, heat, humidity, how much you played that day, how tired you are.

Then comes one of the many crucial questions: does the animal want to eat? Most of our pets are very fond of their tummies and instinctively grab every opportunity to eat, so if they don’t want to eat or are just monkeying around, that’s a problem.


You may then face a different scale of problem depending on the species of your animal.
In dogs – depending on their size, of course, a chihuahua can have a very low blood sugar level in a few hours, while a German Shepherd will not – going without food for a day will not cause a serious deterioration.
However, even a day’s fasting can take its toll on the body, especially in overweight cats.
And in bunnies, because of their extreme sensitivity, not eating for half a day can cause serious deterioration.

I want you to be a prepared owner and to be able to provide a healthy life for your four-legged family member!
We can help you do that with our training!

Dr. Pálma Piller

As the owner, we can check it at home and the colour of our pet’s mucous membranes is an important diagnostic point.
The easiest way to check this is through the gums.
Some dogs and cats have pigmented gums, so we cannot examine the mucous membrane here, but we can look at the colour of the mucous membrane by pulling down the lower eyelid a little.
It is healthy and pinkish in normal condition.
If you press the gum with your finger (you are squeezing the blood out of the area so it will be white), it should come back completely in 1-2 seconds.
If this does not happen, or if the mucous membrane is white or grey or even purple, your pet needs urgent veterinary attention.

állatorvos kutyával

Other common cases include lameness and when your pet eats something it shouldn’t.
If one of your pet’s legs is not as heavy as the others, but they are happy and eating, this is unlikely to indicate a life-threatening condition.
Under no circumstances should you give your pet human painkillers, as most of them are severely toxic to dogs and cats!

In the event that your pet has ingested a poison, chocolate, raisins, socks or a bag, you should rush it to the vet as it can be vomited up within three hours, which is not pleasant but much better than an operation to open the intestines or death from poison.

Unfortunately, in most cases, no one but us will be able to decide whether we should take our pet to the doctor now or wait until tomorrow morning.
Nor can you decide, because the doctor or the assistant cannot see the animal or assess its condition.
This decision must always be made by the owner and the person who is with the animal, who can see its current condition.
The examples above are guidelines to help you decide what to do in a given situation if you are clueless and worried.
Therefore, it is also very important that if we cannot be with our pet for some reason, we leave it in the hands of someone who knows what to do and provide them with all the information about the animal’s habits and needs.
This way we can go on holiday with peace of mind, knowing that if there is a problem, the sitter will notice and take action.

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