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Practical and online course

Learn life-saving skills from a qualified vet!

Learn life-saving skills from a qualified vet!

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Cicaelsősegély képzés

How to act in an emergency?

Do you feel helpless if you can’t reach the vet when you’re in trouble?
Want to know how to prevent accidents, how to recognise emergencies and how to save your cat’s life?
Come and learn on the kitten first aid course! You will get tangible, practical knowledge that you can use from the very next day!

Personal participation in the workshop

Practical, life-saving knowledge

Eternal access to online learning material

Training prepared by a veterinarian




Workshop personal participation

Practical workshop in Budapest at the VI. once a month in the district, where all your questions will be answered!
  • Everything listed under "ONLINE" training
  • Putting theoretical knowledge into practice
  • Your questions answered by a vet
  • Good atmosphere, community event

No personal participation required

If you live in the countryside or abroad and can't make it to the workshop.
  • Training put together by a veterinarian
  • Lifesaving
  • Perpetual access
  • Video and text lessons in a clear format with illustrations
Practical workshop in Budapest at the VI. once a month in the district, where all your questions will be answered!
  • Everything listed under "ONLINE" training
  • Putting theoretical knowledge into practice
  • Your questions answered by a vet
  • Good atmosphere, community event
If you live in the countryside or abroad and can't make it to the workshop.
  • Training put together by a veterinarian
  • Lifesaving
  • Perpetual access
  • Video tutorial in a clear and easy-to-understand way, with illustrations

What you will be able to do in successful completion of the course after?

Dealing with emergencies

Recognise emergencies, take calm action, manage seizures, and more.resuscitation.

Wound dressing

Secure an injured animal, correct dressing, wound care, haemostasis.

First aid

Correct care of semi-respiratory asphyxiation - Heimlich manoeuvre, correct execution of vomiting.

Treatment of poisoning

How to recognise and prevent household poisoning, what to do in case of poisoning.

Administration of medicines

Correct, rapid and professional administration of medicines, correct interpretation of basic physiological values.

Heat stroke, shock treatment

Recognise and treat heatstroke and shock, as well as other emergencies.

Dealing with emergencies

Recognise emergencies, take calm action, manage seizures, and more.resuscitation.

Wound dressing

Secure an injured animal, correct dressing, wound care, haemostasis.

First aid

Correct care of semi-respiratory asphyxiation - Heimlich manoeuvre, correct execution of vomiting.

Treatment of poisoning

How to recognise and prevent household poisoning, what to do in case of poisoning.

Administration of medicines

Correct, rapid and professional administration of medicines, correct interpretation of basic physiological values.

Heat stroke, shock treatment

Recognise and treat heatstroke and shock, as well as other emergencies.


What you get for with training?

Diploma upon completion of the workshop

Eternal access to the curriculum

List of veterinary services + what to do if you have a problem

Downloadable resources

Assembling a first aid kit at home


How to works?

For the Cat First Aid Course you can choose to take the ONLINE course, or the one that requires a face-to-face WORKSHOP you would like to participate.
If you purchase the workshop, you will still get perpetual access to the online course materials.

The Cat First Aid Workshop is a practical, face-to-face workshop that we organise once a month in Budapest.
The workshop complements the curriculum in the Cat First Aid Online Training.
You can decide when you can come to the workshop: as we run it every month, you can choose the time that suits you best.

If you can’t come to the workshop in person, you don’t have to miss out on the benefits of the training!
The Cat First Aid Training is an online, self-paced course – so you can access valuable knowledge from the countryside or abroad!


  • we can only issue the diploma after you have completed the practical workshop
  • Face-to-face workshop: 20 September.
    18:00, 9 November.
    18:30, 1066 Budapest Jókai u.
cica elsősegély workshop
cica elsősegély workshop

How to works?

For the Cat First Aid Course you can choose to take the ONLINE course, or the one that requires a face-to-face WORKSHOP you would like to participate.
If you purchase the workshop, you will still get perpetual access to the online course materials.

The Cat First Aid Workshop is a practical, face-to-face workshop that we organise once a month in Budapest.
The workshop complements the curriculum in the Cat First Aid Online Training.
You can decide when you can come to the workshop: as we run it every month, you can choose the time that suits you best.

If you can’t come to the workshop in person, you don’t have to miss out on the benefits of the training!
The Cat First Aid Training is an online, self-paced course – so you can access valuable knowledge from the countryside or abroad!


  • we can only issue the diploma after you have completed the practical workshop
  • Face-to-face workshop: 20 September.
    18:00, 9 November.
    18:30, 1066 Budapest Jókai u.
arm yourself with life-saving knowledge!

Learn the basics of cat first aid!

We look forward to welcoming you!

Come to the for the workshop!

Add to your shopping cart Macksa First Aid Workshop

Our practical workshop complements the online training.
The workshop is led by Dr. Pálma Piller, CEO and veterinarian.

Choose the time that suits you!

The Cat First Aid practical workshop is held every month.
The workshop is always held on a Saturday in the afternoon. Click HERE and then put in the basket the date that suits you, when you can come to the workshop.
You can also find out about later and acute dates on our social media platforms, here on the website, or by emailing us at

See you here!

See you at the Cat First Aid personal workshop here: 1066 Budapest, Jókai u.
6., 5.
floor - Corner Six Office Building.

What to do?

With your questions, by all means!
You can ask any questions to Dr. Pálma Piller, course leader.
We also provide a printed guide.
Feel free to bring your pets if you like!

arm yourself with life-saving knowledge!

Learn the basics of cat first aid!


With all purchased courses you support shelters!

A portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Take Home Foundationand the Animal Shelter of the Hermitage.

You can help homeless pets when it comes to learning!

Now you can do good for charity by gaining knowledge!


Frequently Asked Questions

🚨Mennyi ideig tart az online tanfolyam elvégzése, meddig kell elvégezni a tanfolyamot?

Bármikor elkezdheted a tananyagot,  és saját tempódban haladva tudod elvégezni. A tananyag elsajátítása átlagosan 2-3 hét szokott lenni. 

Örök hozzáférést kapsz a tananyaghoz, így a későbbiekben is bármikor visszanézheted. 

🚨Jelentkezhetek csak a workshopra a képzés megvásárlása nélkül?

Ha a workshopra jelentkezel, akkor is kapsz hozzáférést az online, írott, videós tananyaghoz, hiszen a gyakorlati workshop a Macska Elsősegély Online Képzés kiegészítője. 

🚨Mikor kapom meg az oklevelet?

Az oklevelet a gyakorlati workshopon történő részvételt követően állítjuk ki számodra. 

🚨 Hol lesz a workshop?

A Kutya Elsősegély személyes workshopon itt találkozunk: 1066 Budapest, Jókai u. 6., 5. emelet - Corner Six Irodaház. 

🙋‍♀️ Van még kérdésed vagy elfelejtettünk valamit leírni?

Keress bátran minket messengeren vagy akár a e-mail címen és amint tudunk válaszolunk!