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Online course

Ensure a long, healthy life for your little one!

Online course

Ensure a long, healthy life for your little one!

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Worried about your pet getting sick?

We need to put as much emphasis on disease prevention as we do on disease treatment, as our pets often end up in the vet’s surgery before it’s too late. Prevent diseases effectively! Thanks to training, we canindent on how to protect your pet from parasites, what common diseases they can get and how to prevent them. With this knowledge you can save up to 100.000 Ft in veterinary costs!

You will receive a diploma after the training

Practical, life-saving knowledge

Online, self-paced learning


What you will be able to do in successful completion of the course after?

Healthy dog

Knowing basic nutritional values, what to look for in your dog, treating digestive complaints.

Parasite prevention

For parasite control and treatment of diseases, prevention of heartworm disease, detection of stink gland problems.

Disease prevention

Knowledge of vaccine-preventable diseases, what to do when ingesting foreign bodies.

Healthy dog

Knowing basic nutritional values, what to look for in your dog, treating digestive complaints.

Parasite prevention

For parasite control and treatment of diseases, prevention of heartworm disease, detection of stink gland problems.

Curing diseases

Knowledge of vaccine-preventable diseases, what to do when ingesting foreign bodies.


What you get for with training?

Diploma on completion of training

Knowledge that will help you prevent the most common diseases

You can choose the right antiparasitic products

Eternal access to the curriculum

Downloadable resources


With all purchased courses you support shelters!

A portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Take Home Foundationand the Animal Shelter of the Hermitage.

You can help homeless pets when it comes to learning!

Now you can do good for charity by gaining knowledge!

Be prepared!

Have you heard of heartworm disease?

Do you know how to effectively defend against it?
This training will give you all the practical knowledge you can immediately incorporate into your everyday life. No more anxiously scouring the internet or desperately searching for the right answer in various farmer groups.
Thanks to the knowledge you ‘ll gain , you ‘ll be prepared and know how to act.

Learn how to give your pet a long and healthy life!
What’s more: you can save on significant veterinary costs, as it ‘s much easier and cheaper to prevent disease than to treat it.

The Canine Disease Prevention Training is a veterinary training course with useful practical information and tips!

I believe that we need to put as much emphasis on disease prevention as we do on disease treatment, because often our pets are taken to the vet when it’s too late.
I’ll teach you how to effectively prevent illness and what the first symptoms are, so you’ll know when to go to the vet!

Dr. Pálma Piller

I believe that we need to put as much emphasis on disease prevention as we do on disease treatment, because often our pets are taken to the vet when it’s too late.
I’ll teach you how to effectively prevent illness and what the first symptoms are, so you’ll know when to go to the vet!

Dr. Pálma Piller


Prevent diseases!

Frequently Asked Questions

🚨Mennyi ideig tart a tanfolyam elvégzése?

A tananyag elsajátítása átlagosan 2-3 hét szokott lenni. Örök hozzáférést kapsz a tananyaghoz, így a későbbiekben is bármikor visszanézheted. 

🚨Meddig kell elvégezni a tanfolyamot?

Bármikor elkezdheted a tananyagot, és saját tempódban haladva tudod elvégezni. Nincs semmilyen időkorlát. Örök hozzáférést kapsz a tananyaghoz, így a későbbiekben is bármikor visszanézheted. 

🚨Kapok oklevelet a képzés elvégzése után?

Az oklevelet egy kérdéssor kitöltése után tudjuk kiállítani számodra. Ha szeretnél oklevelet, írj nekünk emailt a email címre és elküldjük a kérdéssort!

🙋‍♀️ Van még kérdésed vagy elfelejtettünk valamit leírni?

Keress bátran minket messengeren vagy akár a e-mail címen és amint tudunk válaszolunk!