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Become an you are a certified animal sitter!

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Earn money by walking your dog, dog-sitting!

Want to earn money while spending your free time with animals? Then you’ve come to the right place! As a pet sitter, your job is to make sure that the pet you’ve been entrusted with is happy while the owner is away! You can work part-time, part-time or even full-time! Take our training, get a job and join a super, conscious, animal-loving community!

Training prepared by a veterinarian

Up to 3000 HUF net hourly wage

Training available online

Diploma on completion of training


Earn money by walking your dog, dog-sitting!

Want to earn money while spending your free time with animals? Then you’ve come to the right place! As a pet sitter, your job is to make sure that the pet you’ve been entrusted with is happy while the owner is away! You can work part-time, part-time or even full-time! Take our training, get a job and join a super, conscious, animal-loving community!

Diploma on completion of training

You decide how much work you do and for how much!

Online, self-paced learning

Training prepared by a veterinarian

Join our team!

Why you should PetWiseCare for sitters be?

0-24 Veterinary advice

You can call our vet at any time during the petting session if you have any questions!

Free training courses

We offer free workshops and other training for our sitters!

Flexible working hours

You decide when you work, how much you work and even how much you work for!


You can be part of a close-knit and supportive community, we also organise joint events!


We are here to help you in every situation, you can count on our team!


We offer discounts on training courses and products for our sitters!

0-24 Veterinary advice

You can call our vet at any time during the petting session if you have any questions!

Free training courses

We offer free workshops and other training for our sitters!

Flexible job opportunities

You decide when you work, how much you work and even how much you work for!


We offer discounts on training courses and products for our sitters!


You can be part of a close-knit and supportive community, we also organise joint events!


We are here to help you in every situation, you can count on our team!

Knowledge for life

What are you going to learn from on the training?

With this course, you will learn all the knowledge you need for safe pet care! You’ll learn about dog behaviour, correct feeding, dressing wounds and how to look after dogs with special needs (puppies, elderly, diabetic and epileptic) with care and attention.
With dog-sitting training you will be prepared and confident to look after other people’s pets!

  • Communication with the host
  • Special needs pet care
  • First aid
  • Wound care
  • Behavioural, ethological basics
  • Proper nutrition, toxic and dangers of food
  • Support technology
  • Caring for a sick dog
Knowledge for life

What are you going to learn from on the training?

With this course, you will learn all the knowledge you need for safe pet care! You’ll learn about dog behaviour, correct feeding, dressing wounds and how to look after dogs with special needs (puppies, elderly, diabetic and epileptic) with care and attention.
With dog-sitting training you will be prepared and confident to look after other people’s pets!

  • Communication with the host
  • Special needs pet care
  • First aid, wound care
  • Behavioural, ethological basics
  • Proper nutrition, dangerous foods
  • Support technology
  • Caring for a sick dog
  • Important dog diseases

What you get for with training?

Diploma on completion of training

Flexible job opportunities

Check quizzes, check-lists

Downloadable and printable PDF course material

Eternal access to online learning material

Do you like working with animals?

Become a certified animal sitter yourself!

Do you like working with animals?

Become a certified animal sitter yourself!

Be a substitute farmer!

Who is the pet sitter and what does it do?

A pet sitter is a trusted person who looks after the animal in the absence of the owner. Our aim is to ensure that owners can entrust their pets to a reliable, responsible professional who is prepared and knows what to do in unexpected situations!

This means owners can work, go on extended holidays, weekends and other activities without worrying about whether their pet is in good hands.

We are constantly expanding our veterinary training materials to prepare our sitters to provide the best possible service.

Your responsibilities will include caring for the dog, feeding, watering, walking, playing with the dog – and of course loving and supervising it while the owner is away.
This can be for a few hours or even several days or weeks.

You can take on: day care, long-term care (e.g. during holidays), 24-hour care, drop-in visits (feeding, watering, playing), night care, day care, sick pet care, wedding pet sitting, etc.

It is important to always take the owner’s wishes into account!

Be a substitute farmer!

Who is the pet sitter and what does it do?

A pet sitter is a trusted person who looks after the animal in the absence of the owner. Our aim is to ensure that owners can entrust their pets to a reliable, responsible professional who is prepared and knows what to do in unexpected situations!

This means owners can work, go on extended holidays, weekends and other activities without worrying about whether their pet is in good hands.

We use our ever-expanding veterinary training materials to prepare our sitters to provide the best possible service.

Your responsibilities will include caring for the dog, feeding, watering, walking, playing with the dog – and of course loving and supervising it while the owner is away.
This could be for a few hours or even several days or weeks.

You can take on: day care, long-term care (e.g. during holidays), 24-hour care, drop-in visits (feeding, watering, playing), night care, day care, sick pet care, wedding pet sitting, etc.

It is important to always take the owner’s wishes into account!


With all purchased courses you support shelters!

A portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Take Home Foundationand the Animal Shelter of the Hermitage.

You can help homeless pets when it comes to learning!

Now you can do good for charity by gaining knowledge!

Sitter Reviews

You said about us

Get on the road to success with this training!

For whom Do we recommend?

Our dog sitter training is for people who are passionate about dogs and want to provide professional dog care.
If the welfare and safety of dogs is important to you, this training is for you.

Kutyaszitter képzés_vizsgázás
The best work!

How to be PetWiseCare sitter?

Take the training!

To become a dog sitter with us, you must complete the dog sitting training. Click here to start the online training today!

Take the exam online!

Once you have completed all the lessons, you can apply for the exam via the link at the end of the course. The exam will be online, our colleague will ask you some questions from the training.

Create a profile

You will be able to create your profile after the exam.
The owners will contact you through this profile and will be able to make a reservation here.
Our colleague will help you to create your profile.

Final steps and done!

If you have filled in everything correctly, our colleague will activate your profile and we will send you an email with all the technical information and help you if you get stuck!
That's it, you can get to work!

The best work!

How to be PetWiseCare sitter?

Take the training!

To become a dog sitter with us, you must complete the dog sitting training. Click here to start the online training today!

Take the exam online!

Once you have completed all the lessons, you can apply for the exam via the link at the end of the course. The exam will be online, our colleague will ask you some questions from the training.

Create a profile

You will be able to create your profile after the exam.
The owners will contact you through this profile and will be able to make a reservation here.
Our colleague will help you to create your profile.

Final steps and done!

If you have filled in everything correctly, our colleague will activate your profile and we will send you an email with all the technical information and help you if you get stuck!
That's it, you can get to work!

The best work!

How to be PetWiseCare sitter?

Take the training!

To become a dog sitter with us, you must complete the dog sitting training. Click here and start the online training today!

Take the exam online!

Once you have completed all the lessons, you can apply for the exam via the link at the end of the course. The exam will be online, our colleague will ask you some questions from the training.

Create a profile

You will be able to create your profile after the exam.
The owners will contact you through this profile and will be able to make a reservation here.
Our colleague will help you to create your profile.

Final steps and done!

If you have filled in everything correctly, our colleague will activate your profile and we will send you an email with all the technical information and help you if you get stuck!
That's it, you can get to work!

Kutyaszitter képzés_vizsgázás
Check the check-list!

This training Is it for you...?

29.900 Ft

Dog Sitter Training

This training is definitely for you if:

  • You love dogs
  • Want a flexible job
  • Do you want to earn up to 3000 HUF net per hour
  • Looking for a part-time job
  • Work as a student (over 18 years old) in addition to school
Check the check-list!

This training Is it for you...?

29.900 Ft

Sitter Training

This training is definitely for you if:

  • You love dogs
  • Want a flexible job
  • Do you want to earn up to 3000 HUF net per hour
  • Looking for a part-time job
  • Work as a student (over 18 years old) in addition to school

Frequently Asked Questions

🚨Mennyi ideig tart a tanfolyam elvégzése, meddig kell elvégezni a tanfolyamot?

Bármikor elkezdheted a tananyagot,  és saját tempódban haladva tudod elvégezni. A tananyag elsajátítása átlagosan 2-3 hét szokott lenni. 

Örök hozzáférést kapsz a tananyaghoz, így a későbbiekben is bármikor visszanézheted. A tanfolyam végén tudsz jelentkezni az online videochates vizsgára, ami után profi, okleveles szitterré válhatsz!

🚨Mit tartalmaz a képzés díja?

  • Örök hozzáférésű tananyag
  • Letölthető anyagok
  • Útmutató, hogyan indulj el szitterként
  • Vizsgadíj
  • Sikeres vizsga esetén 0-24 állatorvosi támogatás
  • Szitterközösségünk tagja lehetsz és folyamatos fejlődési lehetőséget kapsz továbbképzéseinken
  • Kedvezményesen vehetsz részt számos előadáson, rendezvényen

🚨Milyen a vizsga?

A vizsgára jelentkezéshez a tananyag végén találsz egy időpontfoglaló rendszert. A vizsga online videochaten zajlik, ahol az állattartói tapasztalataidról, motivációdról és a tananyagból fogunk kérdéseket feltenni. A sikeres vizsgát követően oklevelet állítunk ki, amit e-mailen küldünk el neked!

🚨Mennyi pénzt tudok keresni?

Ez teljesen Tőled függ: minden szitterünk egyedileg árazza szolgáltatásait és minden szitterünk saját maga dönt arról, hogy mennyi munkát vállal és mennyiért. Természetesen egy tájékoztató jellegű, kiinduló árat megtalálsz a weboldalon a Főoldalon a Gyakori Kérdések: Mennyibe Kerül? fülnél. Ettől saját belátásod szerint eltérhetsz feljebb és lejjebb is az adott feladatoktól, állatok számától, lokációtól függően. Minden megrendelésre egyedi árajánlatot tudsz adni attól függően, mi a feladat.

🚨 Bárki jelentkezhet szitternek?

A szitter képzést természetesen bárki elvégezheti, de a oldalon keresztül csak 18. életévet betöltött személyek vállalhatnak munkát.

🚨Csak akkor végezhetem el a tanfolyamot, ha szitter akarok lenni?

Nem, a tanfolyamot akkor is elvégezheted, ha nem szeretnél szitterként dolgozni vagy még gondolkozol rajta, illetve ha nem töltötted be még a 18. életévedet.

🙋‍♀️ Van még kérdésed vagy elfelejtettünk valamit leírni?

Keress bátran minket messengeren vagy akár a e-mail címen és amint tudunk válaszolunk!