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Evaluation of souls

Can't understand a word of your pet's chart?
We can help you understand!


New pet

Prepare for the arrival of your new family member so that it goes smoothly for both of you!


SOS questions

Is your pet showing strange symptoms and you don't know whether to go to the vet?
We're here for you on-call!



Get answers to your feeding questions!

Consult a vet from the comfort of your home!

Worried about your pet?
Do you have animal health questions?
Sign up for a monthly membership to our veterinary chat platform today!

Our aim is to enable you to ask questions from vets and qualified trainers anywhere, anytime.
No silly questions!
But there are plenty of questions that don’t require you to get in the car and wait in the surgery.
You can also ask them online to our vets or trainers.

Choose a package!

Ongoing support for your pet!

Veterinary chat

You can ask online anytime, our vet will answer!
We are currently working 12 hours a day with immediate response times

Trainer chat

Once a month, you'll have a live, group check-in where you can ask questions in person and learn from others' questions!

Group consultation

Once a month, you'll have a live, group check-in where you can ask questions in person and learn from others' questions!

Community experience

You can connect with like-minded owners, make fantastic new friends at our events and grow together!

3500 Ft/hó

Gondoskodó Csomag

  • Hétköznap elérhető 7:00-22:00 között
  • Állatorvosi chat
  • Akár ha csak 1 kérdésed lenne
5500 Ft/hó

Védőháló csomag

  • Heti 7 nap, 06:00- 24:00 között elérhető, ünnepnapokon is
  • Állatorvosi chat
  • Tréneri chat
  • Havi 1 csoportos konzultáció
  • Személyes találkozók
@petwisecare Pick your vet's pocket! Our online vet chat can help you if you have a vet question, don't know whether to go to the vet's surgery or are just worried about your pet and don't know what to do. #veterinarian #petwisecare #edukacio #magyartiktok #nekedbe #allatorvosichat ♬ original voice - Veterinarian - Dr. Piller Pálma
You can ask questions anytime!
  • Sunday evening
  • On public holidays
  • If you are unsure
  • If you need a confirmation
  • If you can't reach your vet
  • Or if you just have an SOS question

How do we help?

Whether it’s a sick animal, a worried owner with questions, disease prevention information, or a diagnostic test, our veterinarians are at your service!
If you get stuck registering or paying, email and we’ll help!



Just have a quick question you want a vet to answer and don't need a vet exam?
Ask online!

Lány cicával

Ongoing support

With a monthly subscription, you can chat online with our vets anytime, anywhere!

Online állatorvosi konzultáció

Online consultation

In our online consultation you can go through the topic with your vet in 30-40 minutes via video chat!

Host Reviews

You said about us

Who will help you?

Dr. Piller Pálma

Dr Pálma Piller

I've spent my free time around animals for as long as I can remember, so there was no question of choosing a career in veterinary medicine.
My favourite specialties are internal medicine and dentistry.
During my university years, I also tried to gain a broad range of knowledge, so I did internships at the universities of Lisbon, Brno and Zagreb.
I work as a volunteer veterinarian for the Take Me Home Foundation and regularly volunteer as a walker at animal shelters."

dr Hatvani Anna

Dr. Anna Hatvani

I have been working in animal health for 12 years.
Since graduating from the University of Veterinary Medicine in 2020, I have been working in a busy veterinary practice in Budapest.
My main areas of interest are small animal internal medicine and pharmacology.
I have a special passion for rabbit medicine, as I was the owner of a wonderful rabbit for 12 years who was very sick a lot, so I gained a lot of experience in caring for him.

dr Alexa Lili

Dr Alexa Lili

I graduated in 2022.
I am currently working in a busy practice in Budapest.
I attend professional days, webinars and conferences whenever I can to expand my knowledge.
Dietetics, otolaryngology and dermatology are currently my main areas of interest within small animal internal medicine.
I had a wide variety of exotic animals as a child (clawed frog, fish, turtle, rat, etc.), so I enjoy working with rarer companion animals in addition to canine and feline patients.

Dr. Piller Pálma

Dr Pálma Piller

I've spent my free time around animals for as long as I can remember, so there was no question of choosing a career in veterinary medicine.
My favourite specialties are internal medicine and dentistry.
During my university years, I also tried to gain a broad range of knowledge, so I did internships at the universities of Lisbon, Brno and Zagreb.
I work as a volunteer veterinarian for the Take Me Home Foundation and regularly volunteer as a walker at animal shelters."

dr Hatvani Anna

Dr. Anna Hatvani

I have been working in animal health for 12 years.
I graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in 2020 and since then I have been working in a busy veterinary practice in Budapest.
My main areas of interest are small animal internal medicine and pharmacology.
I have a special passion for rabbit medicine, as I was the owner of a wonderful rabbit for 12 years who was very sick a lot, so I gained a lot of experience in caring for him.

dr Becker Zsolt

Dr. Zsolt Becker

I've been surrounded by dogs and cats all my life, I couldn't imagine my life without them.
Even before I graduated as a veterinarian, I tried to gain experience, not only with dogs and cats, but also with exotic animals (e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs).
I believe it is important not only to provide excellent professional care, but also to communicate empathetically, as we are caring for family members.

dr Alexa Lili

Dr Alexa Lili

I graduated in 2022.
I am currently working in a busy practice in Budapest.
I attend professional days, webinars and conferences whenever I can to expand my knowledge.
Dietetics, otolaryngology and dermatology are currently my main areas of interest within small animal internal medicine.
I had a wide variety of exotic animals as a child (clawed frog, fish, turtle, rat, etc.), so I enjoy working with rarer companion animals in addition to canine and feline patients.

dr Bíró Petra (2)

Dr Petra Biró

I graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in 2022 and spent 2 months at the Department of Surgery at the University of Lisbon.
During my final year I also had the opportunity to study in a Swedish small animal clinic.
My main areas of interest are soft tissue surgery and dermatology.
Within these areas I regularly update my knowledge through continuing education.
Since 2023 I am a member of the Hungarian Association of Dermatology Veterinarians.

Kutyaszitter képzés_vizsgázás
dr Becker Zsolt

Dr. Zsolt Becker

I've been surrounded by dogs and cats all my life, I couldn't imagine my life without them.
Even before I graduated as a veterinarian, I tried to gain experience, not only with dogs and cats, but also with exotic animals (e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs).
I believe it is important not only to provide excellent professional care, but also to communicate empathetically, as we are caring for family members.

dr Bíró Petra (2)

Dr Petra Biró

I graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in 2022 and spent 2 months at the Department of Surgery at the University of Lisbon.
During my final year I also had the opportunity to study in a Swedish small animal clinic.
My main areas of interest are soft tissue surgery and dermatology.
Within these areas I regularly update my knowledge through continuing education.
Since 2023 I am a member of the Hungarian Association of Dermatology Veterinarians.


Dr. Pálma Piller Veterinarian

In the veterinary practice I very often experiencethat as an owner you are often at a loss, on Sunday night Buksi produces a strange symptomyou notice it on the weekendthat he’s got a bump on his head.or you don’t know what to do in case of poisoning.

Often it would be nice to have just 1-1 question to a veterinarianthat doesn’t necessarily require a visit to the clinicor this very questionthat “rushor can it wait until tomorrow??” so I dreamed up an online veterinary advice system.

Our dog sitters have always had access to veterinary chat during their stays, and is now available for you owners! So you can ask your vet unlimited questionsso that your pet is always safe!

Affordable for all, flexible, from the comfort of your home, you can ask questions


Dr. Pálma Piller Veterinarian

In the veterinary practice I very often experiencethat as an owner you are often at a loss, on Sunday night Buksi produces a strange symptomyou notice it on the weekendthat he’s got a bump on his head.or you don’t know what to do in case of poisoning.

Often it would be nice to have just 1-1 question to a veterinarianthat doesn’t necessarily require a visit to the clinicor this very questionthat “rushor can it wait until tomorrow??” so I dreamed up an online veterinary advice system.

Our dog sitters have always had access to veterinary chat during their stays, and is now available for you owners! So you can ask your vet unlimited questionsso that your pet is always safe!

Affordable for all, flexible, from the comfort of your home, you can ask questions

Frequently Asked Questions

🤔 Hogyan működik?

Ha kérdés merül fel kiskedvenceddel kapcsolatban, az sosem egyetlenegy kérdés lesz, hiszen az állatorvos is visszakérdez, te ismét felteszel egy kérdést stb és sok esetben azt tapasztaltam, hogy a Gazdinak is jobb, ha az adott probléma átbeszélése után még utólag is tud kérdezni. Ezért alkottuk meg úgy ezt a szolgáltatást, hogy havi tagságot tudsz vásárolni. Tehát ha van egy kérdésed, megveszed vagy a Gondoskodó vagy a Védőháló csomagot, amelyik Neked szimpatikusabb, és ezt követően 1 hónapon keresztül bármennyit tudsz kérdezni az állatorvostól, tehát az adott probléma megválaszolását követően például 1 hét múlva is tudsz feltenni kérdéseket.   

❓Mit csináljak, ha csak egy kérdésem van?

Ha csak egy kérdésed van, akkor is 1 hónapon keresztül tudsz majd kérdezni az állatorvostól. Ha nem szeretnéd, hogy a következő hónapban levonjuk a pénzt a számládról, akkor lehetőséged lesz lemondani a tagságot 1 hónap után.

💸 Minden hónapban levonásra kerül a pénz a számlámról?

Ha szeretnéd, hogy minden hónapban tudj kérdezni, bármikor, akkor havonta levonjuk az általad választott csomag szerinti árat a számládról, tehát a válasz igen. Ha nem szeretnél tovább tag maradni, akkor a tagságot bármikor le tudod mondani, így a következő hónapban nem fogjuk levonni a pénzt a számládról.

💬 Csak magyar nyelvű chat áll rendelkezésre?

Nem, angol nyelven is tudsz tőlünk kérdezni!

🕑 Mennyi idő alatt kapok választ a feltett kérdésemre?

1 órán belül válaszolunk.

❌ Bármikor lemondhatom?

Igen. Ha nem szeretnél tovább tag maradni, akkor a tagságot bármikor le tudod mondani, így a következő hónapban nem fogjuk levonni a pénzt a számládról.

🔚 Hogyan tudom lemondani?

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Segítség! Elakadtam a regisztrációban és/vagy a fizetésben!

Semmi gond! Segítünk! Írj emailt a

Choose a package!

Ongoing support for your pet!

Veterinary chat

You can ask online anytime, our vet will answer!
We are currently working 12 hours a day with immediate response times

Trainer chat

Once a month, you'll have a live, group check-in where you can ask questions in person and learn from others' questions!

Group consultation

Once a month, you'll have a live, group check-in where you can ask questions in person and learn from others' questions!

Community experience

You can connect with like-minded owners, make fantastic new friends at our events and grow together!

2450 Ft/hó

Care Package

  • Available 12 hours a day
  • Veterinary chat
  • 5% discount coupon for our sitters
5500 Ft/hó

Safety net package

  • Personal consultation for 60 minutes per month
  • Veterinary chat
  • Trainer chat
  • Also available at weekends and on-call
  • 1 club night meeting per month
  • 10% discount on our sitters

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Follow us on instagram too! @petwisecare