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Online course

Be prepared kitty owner!

Online course

Be prepared kitty owner!

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Macskagazdi képzés

Want to do your best for your cat?

Then you’ve come to the right place!
Cats are sensitive animals, so it’s vital that the owner is prepared.
With this training, you will get a curriculum put together by a veterinarian that contains all the information and knowledge you need.
The course takes a hands-on approach full of useful veterinary tips and advice, all of which will help you to easily apply the knowledge you’ve gained to your everyday life!

Practical knowledge, eternal access

Learn first-hand from a vet

Useful tips, downloadable materials


What you will be able to do in successful completion of the course after?

Support technology

Interpreting the cat's body language and behaviour, recognising the signs of trouble.
Veterinary tips and advice on how to keep your pet properly.


How to feed your kitten properly, what to feed and not to feed your kitten, understanding condition management, toxic and dangerous foods to avoid.

Kitten first aid

Interpret basic vital signs, treat a cat in shock, treat wounds appropriately, ingestion of foreign bodies, resuscitation and the Heimlich manoeuvre.

Caring for cats with special needs

Proper care of kittens and older cats,how to recognise signs of pain in cats, how to care for sick cats, how to administer medicines correctly, how to prevent diseases with vaccinations.

Support technology

Interpreting the cat's body language and behaviour, recognising the signs of trouble.
Veterinary tips and advice on how to keep your pet properly.


How to feed your kitten correctly, what to feed and not to feed your kitten, understanding condition management, toxic and dangerous foods to avoid.

Kitten first aid

Interpret basic vital signs, treat a cat in shock, treat wounds appropriately, ingestion of foreign bodies, resuscitation and the Heimlich manoeuvre.

Caring for cats with special needs

Proper care of kittens and older cats,how to recognise signs of pain in cats, how to care for sick cats, how to administer medicines correctly, how to prevent diseases with vaccinations.


What you get for with training?

Diploma on completion of training

Your pet will stay healthy for a long time

Eternal access to the curriculum

Downloadable resources

Practical knowledge


With all purchased courses you support shelters!

A portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Take Home Foundationand the Animal Shelter of the Hermitage.

You can help homeless pets when it comes to learning!

Now you can do good for charity by gaining knowledge!


I prepare the training for you with great love and care, with up-to-date veterinary knowledge and the latest information!
Our aim is that as a conscious pet owner, you can prevent your pet from getting into trouble, from having to rush to the vet, and from spending time worrying in panic.

Dr. Pálma Piller

Be prepared!

Prevent the trouble!

As an owner, when you complete this course, you will be fully informed about the correct feeding of your kitten and will know how to react in several emergency situations.
We will show you how to prevent
common diseases or even how to know the behavioural problems, but also how to protect yourself against parasites.
make your relationship with your puppy more conscious, raise it to a more responsible level to ensure a happy, long life for your four-legged family member! With this knowledge you can prevent accidents and illnesses, it’s an investment in your pet’s health!

I prepare the training for you with great love and care, with up-to-date veterinary knowledge and the latest information!
Our aim is that as a conscious pet owner, you can prevent your pet from getting into trouble, from having to rush to the vet, and from spending time worrying in panic.

Dr. Pálma Piller


As an owner, you need this knowledge!


As an owner, you need this knowledge!

Frequently Asked Questions

🚨Mennyi ideig tart a tanfolyam elvégzése?

A tananyag elsajátítása átlagosan 2-3 hét szokott lenni. Örök hozzáférést kapsz a tananyaghoz, így a későbbiekben is bármikor visszanézheted. 

🚨Meddig kell elvégezni a tanfolyamot?

Bármikor elkezdheted a tananyagot, és saját tempódban haladva tudod elvégezni. Nincs semmilyen időkorlát. Örök hozzáférést kapsz a tananyaghoz, így a későbbiekben is bármikor visszanézheted. 

🚨Kapok oklevelet a képzés elvégzése után?

Az oklevelet egy kérdéssor kitöltése után tudjuk kiállítani számodra. Ha szeretnél oklevelet, írj nekünk emailt a email címre és elküldjük a kérdéssort!

🙋‍♀️ Van még kérdésed vagy elfelejtettünk valamit leírni?

Keress bátran minket messengeren vagy akár a e-mail címen és amint tudunk válaszolunk!