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  1. Service Provider details: 

Company name: PetWiseCare Kft

Head office: 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I.floor door 2

Company registration number: 01-09-429057

Court of registration: the Commercial Court of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest

Tax number: 32201413-2-41

Representative: dr. Pálma Piller, Managing Director 

Phone number: 0630/3074093

E-mail address:

Details of the hosting provider: 

Name: Google Cloud EMEA Limited

Registered office/office: Velasco, Clanwilliam Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

VAT number: IE3668997OH

  1. Service Provider’s website address:
  2. Important definitions:

– Distance contract: a consumer contract concluded without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties in the context of a distance sales system organised for the supply of the goods or services covered by the contract, where the parties use a means of distance communication to conclude the contract.

– Service provider: a natural or legal person or an entity without legal personality providing a service. The provider of the online educational material.  

– Consumer: a natural person acting for purposes other than his/her own occupation or economic activity.

– Service contract: any contract, other than a sales contract, under which the business provides a service or undertakes to provide a service to the Customer and the Customer pays or agrees to pay the price for the service.

– Product: all marketable movable goods put on the market and intended for sale by the Service Provider, which are the subject of the contract, including online educational material.

– Customer: any natural or legal person or unincorporated organization to whom/which the Service Provider sells online educational material. 

  1. Where to find the General Terms and Conditions

The Service Provider shall publish the current General Terms and Conditions on its website for the benefit of Customers. 

  1. Content of the General Terms and Conditions

The present General Terms and Conditions contain the rights and obligations of the Customer using the services provided by the Service Provider, the terms of the agreement between the contracting parties. The General Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of an online product (educational material). These Terms and Conditions are considered as general terms and conditions of contract, subject to the provisions of the Regulation 45/2014. (II. 26.) (Government Decree No. 45/2014/2014). Certain provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply only to Buyers acting as Consumers. The Customer, if he/she wishes to use the services of the Service Provider, is obliged to accept the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, which he/she can do by selecting the checkbox on the website. Upon acceptance of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, a contract is concluded between the Service Provider and the Customer in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. If the Service Provider duly publishes to the Customer the document entitled “These General Terms and Conditions” prior to the payment of the purchase price, but the Customer does not send any feedback to the Service Provider regarding his acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions, but pays the purchase price to the Service Provider, the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions.  

  1. Scope of the General Terms and Conditions

The GTC are effective from the date set out below, which is the same as the date of publication of the General Terms and Conditions and are valid for an indefinite period. The provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Customers and online educational material from the effective date. The Service Provider reserves the right to amend the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. This right also expressly extends to the annexes to these GTC. Any amendment shall enter into force at the same time as it is published on the Website.

In the event of a change, the General Terms and Conditions in force and in effect at the time the order is sent shall apply. The General Terms and Conditions cover the services provided by the Service Provider, as specified below. The services provided by the Service Provider are available to the person who has ordered the online product, confirmed the purchase by the Service Provider, paid the purchase price  to the Service Provider and accepted the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions govern the rights and obligations of the contracting parties in relation to the services described above.  

  1. Establishment of the contract, termination of the contract

 The legal relationship between the Customer and the Service Provider is established by the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, which define the rights and obligations of both parties. The contract is concluded electronically, with the Customer ordering the online educational material, sending the order, which is confirmed by the Service Provider (expressly accepting the Customer’s offer) to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, subject to compliance with data protection provisions. The Service Provider shall have the right to withdraw from the contract even after the confirmation has been returned, for reasons beyond its control (e.g.: no further sale of the online educational material, technical failure, force majeure, etc.).  

In the event of cancellation, the Service Provider is obliged to settle the account with the Customer if a payment has been made. The Service Provider shall provide information on the content of the online training material and the course topics on its website. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any mistakes or incorrect information. It is possible to purchase the online educational material by clicking on the “Courses” menu on the website (, where you can find the individual products, courses and detailed information about them. The Customer selects the desired online learning material and clicks on the button to start the purchase, which for each product has a unique wording (e.g. “I’m joining”, “I’m registering”, “I’m buying the course”, “This is what I need”, “I’m finding out”, “I want to learn”, etc.).) Once the Customer has selected the appropriate educational material, an “Order Summary” page will appear where Customer will enter personal details (email address, billing address, country selected via a drop-down menu). Then, credit card details are entered (card holder name, card number, expiry date, CVC code). The General Terms and Conditions are then accepted by ticking the relevant box. Then, if the Customer finds everything in order, the order is sent by clicking on the “Enrol for the course” button. By submitting the order, the Customer expressly acknowledges that his/her offer is deemed to have been made and that his/her declaration shall be subject to payment in the event of confirmation by the Service Provider in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. Upon receipt of the order by the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall confirm the order by an automatic electronic message.   By placing the electronic order on the website and sending the confirmation, the contract between the Customer and the Service Provider is established, when the Service Provider declares that it accepts the Customer’s order. Upon successful payment, the Service Provider will add the name and e-mail address of the Customer to the online educational interface, of which the Customer will be notified by e-mail. The Customer then registers on the interface, creates his/her own account and receives the learning material. By downloading, the Customer acquires the right of limited use as follows. If the Customer places an order on the website and the Service Provider confirms the order by electronic message (expressly accepting the Customer’s offer), a sales contract is concluded between the Customer and the Service Provider. (If the e-mail confirming the receipt of the order is not received by the Customer within 48 hours, the Customer is released from the obligation to make an offer and is not obliged to purchase the ordered product.) The Customer accepts that the contract concluded in this way is not considered to be concluded in writing and is governed by the law of Hungary. The contract is subject to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. The contract shall be concluded in Hungarian, the Service Provider shall store the orders in electronic form, the contract shall not be filed in any other way. The Customer is obliged to provide his/her real data when placing the order. In the event of false data provided during registration or data that can be linked to another person, the electronic contract shall be null and void. The Service Provider excludes its liability if the Customer uses its services on behalf of another person, using the data of another person. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any problems resulting from incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate data provided by the Customer, given that the Service Provider shall always provide the Customer with the opportunity to check the data during the ordering process.

  1. Purchase price

The Customer is liable to pay a fee for the online educational material. The purchase price will be indicated in the information material about the online educational material, on the website or on social networking sites. The prices indicated are valid consumer prices in Hungarian Forint. The price of the online educational material includes the General Sales Tax. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the prices. After the confirmation sent by the Service Provider, the final amount of the purchase price to be paid will not change. However, it is possible that due to a technical error or a clerical error, an incorrect price may appear in the brochure or on the website which differs significantly from the market price. In such a case, the Supplier will contact the Customer by electronic message before making the ordered online product available for consultation. Such orders shall not be considered valid by the Service Provider and the Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting therefrom. The Service Provider shall make every effort to indicate the purchase price accurately. If, despite all due care, an incorrect price has been indicated, the Supplier shall not be obliged to sell the online product at the incorrect price.

  1. Possibility to correct data entry errors

During the order process, the Customer has the possibility to correct or delete the data provided. If the Customer wishes to modify the data provided after the order has been sent, he/she can notify the Service Provider of this using the contact details provided in these General Terms and Conditions. By finalising the order, the Customer acknowledges that the Service Provider cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the Customer’s incorrect data entry or inaccurate data. An inaccurately provided e-mail address during the ordering process or a saturation of the mailbox storage space may result in a lack of confirmation, which may prevent the conclusion of the contract. In such cases, the Service Provider will attempt to contact the Customer by other means.

  1. Payment and cancellation conditions

The online training material can be paid for by credit card through Stripe. When purchasing online educational material, the product will be made available to the Customer after payment of the fee. Payment by credit card using the Stripe service. The Service Provider is not responsible for any errors that may occur during the payment process using Stripe. It is the Customer’s responsibility when making a payment to ensure that he/she is entitled to use the payment method and means provided and that the payment details provided are true and accurate. The Service Provider declares that, when paying using Stripe, it does not process, collect, store or access in any way any data necessary for the payment transaction. Otherwise, the processing of personal data is governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy. The Service Provider, in compliance with its statutory obligations, draws the Customer’s attention to the fact that the execution of the contractual declaration (sending the order) entails a payment obligation in favour of the Service Provider. The Customer agrees to receive the invoice for the purchase price exclusively by electronic means to the electronic mail address provided by him. The Customer must ensure that the invoice sent by electronic means can be delivered and that technical settings (e.g. firewalls) do not prevent this. In the event of a change of electronic mail address, the Customer must notify S notify the service provider by electronic mail. 

  1. Time of performance, use of the service, liability

The date of completion is the date of providing access to the online training material and sending the information on how to access it. The information shall be sent to the Customer within a minimum of 2 working days after the receipt of the purchase price to the Supplier’s bank account. The Customer acknowledges that the Service Provider undertakes to provide the service in accordance with the professional and ethical rules, to the best of its knowledge and experience, taking into account the interests of the Customer, and does not undertake to achieve any results based on the information provided during the online course.  

11.1. A tananyag felhasználására vonatkozó tudnivalók, felelősség

Completion of the training does not give you the right to teach what has been taught in the training. 

Nothing on the Website should be construed as granting, in any way, permission to use the Materials in any way 


The Customer acknowledges that during the listening to the online educational material and participation in the workshop, it is prohibited to record the lectures by means of a device capable of recording sound or images without the prior consent of the Service Provider. Any recording of the online course, training,  and the workshop, making it available to third parties, copying, publishing or using the content of the programme in any other way is strictly prohibited. The Customer, when using the Service Provider’s services, is obliged to keep his password and the information necessary to access the service confidential, is entitled to use the service interface only personally, and is prohibited to transfer it to third parties or make it accessible. If Customer registers on the Website, Customer assumes responsibility for all activities that occur under Customer’s profile and agrees not to transfer or sell its membership or membership rights without the prior written consent of PetWiseCare Ltd.

 For breach of the obligations set out in this clause, PetWiseCare Kft. reserves the right to decide in its sole discretion to terminate membership and refuse access to the Website. Such decision will be notified to PetWiseCare Ltd. shall notify the Customer in advance before implementing such decision.  

The Customer shall be fully liable for any breach of the obligations set out in this clause. If the Customer breaches any of his/her obligations under this clause, he/she shall pay to the Service Provider a penalty of HUF 500,000, i.e. HUF 500,000 (flat rate) per case. The payment of the lump sum shall not prevent the Service Provider from claiming damages from the Customer exceeding the amount of the lump sum resulting from the Customer’s breach of obligation. The Service Provider shall issue an invoice for the amount of the penalty, which the Customer shall pay by bank transfer within 8 days.  

If the Customer violates any of the Service Provider’s rights detailed in this clause, the Service Provider will no longer provide the Customer with access to the online educational material. In this case, the Service Provider shall exclude its liability and shall not refund the purchase price of the online product to the Customer. In such a case, the Service Provider shall also be entitled to claim the penalty and other damages described in this clause.

Customer agrees not to use the content of the online course, training or workshop for any unlawful purpose and not to infringe the rights of PetWiseCare Ltd or others. This restriction also applies to any offensive behaviour, behaviour that may be considered harassment, behaviour that may cause inconvenience to others, the communication of obscene or offensive information and any activity that disrupts the operation of the Website.  

Buyer acknowledges that  PetWiseCare Kft. will use all means available by law to protect your rights. PetWiseCare Ltd. reserves the right to expand, change or delete the published material at any time without prior notice and without giving any reason.  

By using the Website, the Customer agrees to indemnify PetWiseCare Ltd against any claims, damages, costs (including legal costs incurred) arising from the Customer’s failure to use the Website in the manner set out in these Terms. 

  1. Data Processing Information

The Service Provider shall process personal data only in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, in strict compliance with the provisions of data management and data protection regulations, taking into account the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data economy, accuracy, limited storage. The Service Provider shall take all technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data of the Customers are processed in a secure manner, in accordance with the provisions of the EU Directive 2016/679. Regulation (EU) No …/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of …. The Privacy Policy on the processing of personal data is also available on the Service Provider’s website and at its headquarters.  

  1. Right of withdrawal

The Customer shall not have the right of withdrawal in respect of the contract for the provision of the service (after the service has been performed in its entirety) and digital data content provided on a non-tangible medium, if the Service Provider has commenced performance with the Customer’s express prior consent and the Customer has simultaneously with such consent declared that he/she acknowledges that he/she loses the right of withdrawal as described herein after the performance has commenced. The Customer acknowledges that by accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the Customer expressly consents to the Service Provider sending the information necessary to access the product to the Customer by electronic message after payment of the purchase price for the services provided by the Service Provider. By sending the electronic message, the Customer forfeits the right of withdrawal detailed in this clause, which the Customer acknowledges by accepting these General Terms and Conditions. The right to withdraw from the orders placed may only be exercised prior to the sending of the information described above.

  1. Warranty and guarantee

In the event of a defect in the product, the Service Provider shall provide the warranty and guarantee set out in the legislation. A product is defective if, at the time of performance, it does not meet the quality requirements laid down in the contract or by law. The Service Provider shall not be deemed to have performed a defective service if the Customer knew of the defect at the time of concluding the contract or should have known of the defect at the time of concluding the contract. In the event of a defect in the purchased product, the Customer may claim for accessories or product warranty or, in certain cases, a warranty claim. The procedure is governed by the provisions of the Decree 19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM Regulation (No. 19/2014) shall apply.  

  1. Accessories warranty

In which cases can the Customer exercise the right to claim for the warranty of the accessories? In the event of defective performance by the Service Provider, the Customer may assert a claim for warranty against the Service Provider in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code. What rights does the Customer have under his/her warranty claim? The Customer may, at his/her option, make the following claims under the warranty of convenience. If the Customer has not requested or could not request the repair or replacement, he may request a proportionate reduction of the consideration, or the Customer may have the defect repaired or replaced at the expense of the Service Provider or, in the last resort, may withdraw from the contract. The Customer may transfer his right of warranty for accessories to another, but the cost of the transfer shall be borne by the Customer, unless it was justified or the Service Provider gave a reason for it. What is the time limit for the Customer to assert a warranty claim? The Customer is obliged to notify the defect immediately after its discovery, but not later than two months after the discovery of the defect. However, the Customer may no longer assert his/her rights to claim for any defects beyond the two-year limitation period from the date of performance of the contract. For second-hand goods, this period is 1 year. Against whom can the Buyer enforce his warranty claims? The Customer may assert a warranty claim against the Service Provider. What other conditions are there for the Customer to assert his/her warranty rights? Within 6 months from the date of performance, there are no conditions for the Customer’s right to claim under the Customer’s warranty other than the notification of the defect, if the Customer proves that the product or service was provided by the Service Provider. However, after six months from the date of performance, the Customer shall be obliged to prove that the defect discovered by the Customer existed at the time of performance.  

  1. Product Warranty

In what cases can the Customer exercise the right to a product warranty? In the event of a defect in a movable item (product), the Customer may, at his/her option, either claim a right to a warranty for accessories or a product warranty. What rights does the Customer have under a product warranty claim? As a product warranty claim, the Customer may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product. In what cases is the product defective? A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force when it was placed on the market or if it does not have the characteristics described by the manufacturer. What is the deadline for the Customer to claim under the product warranty? The Buyer has two years from the date on which the product was placed on the market by the manufacturer to make a product warranty claim. After this period, the right to claim is lost. Against whom and under what other conditions can the Customer assert a product warranty claim? The Customer may only exercise his/her product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable good. In the event of a product warranty claim, the Customer must prove that the product is defective. In which cases is the manufacturer (distributor) exempted from its product warranty obligation? The manufacturer (distributor) is only exempted from his product liability if he can prove that: – the product was not manufactured or put into circulation in the course of his business, or – the defect was not detectable according to the state of science and technology at the time of putting the product into circulation, or – the defect in the product results from the application of a legal or regulatory provision. The manufacturer (distributor) need only prove one ground for exemption. The Buyer may not make both a warranty claim and a product warranty claim for the same defect at the same time and in parallel. However, in the event of a successful product warranty claim, the Customer may assert a warranty claim against the manufacturer for the replaced product or repaired part.  

  1. Warranty Statutory mandatory warranty does not apply to products marketed by the Service Provider. 
  2. How to report a warranty claim

If the Customer wishes to assert his/her warranty rights in relation to the product distributed by the Service Provider, he/she may do so by presenting the receipt (invoice) (or a copy thereof) certifying the fact of conclusion of the contract. The claim may be made in person or in writing (by post or electronic mail). 1. In person. 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I.floor door 2 .). A Szolgáltató a kifogásáról jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel, amelyben rögzíti: – a Vásárló nevét, címét, – a termék megnevezését, vételárát, 10 – a Vásárlás időpontját, – a hiba bejelentésének időpontját, – a hiba leírását, – a Vásárló által érvényesíteni kívánt igényt, – a kifogás rendezésének módját. Ha a kifogás rendezésének módja a Vásárló igényétől eltér, a Szolgáltató ennek indokolását a jegyzőkönyvben rögzíti. A jegyzőkönyv másolatát a Szolgáltató átadja a Vásárlónak.   Notification in writing: the Customer may notify a warranty claim by sending a letter by post to the Service Provider (PetWiseCare Kft.  1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I.floor door 2 ) or by e-mail ( The letter must contain: – the name and address of the Customer, – the name of the product, the purchase price, – the date of purchase, – the date of notification of the defect, – a description of the defect, – the claim the Customer wishes to assert. If the Service Provider is unable to declare whether the Customer’s claim can be met at the time of notification, it shall notify the Customer of its position within 3 working days at the latest. The Supplier shall endeavour to carry out the repair or replacement within a maximum of 15 days. The Service Provider will accept the product for repair against a receipt. The receipt shall state the name and address of the Customer, the data necessary to identify the product, the date of receipt of the product and the date of receipt of the repaired product.

  1. Complaints handling regarding the Service Provider’s activities

If the Customer is dissatisfied with the service provided by the Service Provider and wishes to lodge a complaint with the Service Provider, he/she may do so in writing: by post (PetWiseCare Kft. 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I.floor door 2 .),  by e-mail ( or via the Chat window (“Send a question”, “Start a chat”, “Hi, how can we help you?”) . The Service Provider will investigate all complaints. The Service Provider shall investigate and, if possible, immediately remedy any problem requiring an immediate solution, and in all other cases  shall, unless otherwise provided for in a directly applicable legal act of the European Union, respond in writing and provide a substantive reply within 30 days of receipt of the complaint and take measures to communicate it. A shorter time limit may be laid down by law, and a longer time limit by statute. The Service Provider shall state the reasons for its position rejecting the complaint in whole or in part . In the event of rejection of the complaint, the Service Provider shall inform the Customer in writing of the Authority or Conciliation Body to which the complaint may be submitted, depending on its nature. The information shall also include the headquarters, telephone and Internet contact details and postal address of the competent Authority or the Conciliation Body of the Customer’s place of residence or stay. The information shall also include whether the Service Provider will use the Conciliation Body procedure to settle the consumer dispute.  

If the problem cannot be solved in any other way, or if the Consumer can only and exclusively complain orally, the Consumer may also complain orally. The Service Provider shall investigate the oral complaint immediately and remedy it as necessary. If the Consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the Service Provider shall immediately take a record of the complaint and its position on the complaint and, in the case of an oral complaint communicated in person, shall provide a copy of the record to the Consumer on the spot. In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communication service, the Customer shall receive the reply on the merits within 30 days at the latest, in accordance with the provisions applicable to the reply to the written complaint. The Service Provider shall assign a unique identification number to the verbal complaint communicated by telephone or electronic communications service. The record of the complaint shall include the following: – the name and address of the Customer, – the place, time and manner of lodging the complaint, – a detailed description of the Customer’s complaint, a list of documents, records and other evidence presented by the Customer, – a statement by the Service Provider of its position on the Customer’s complaint, if it is possible to investigate the complaint immediately, – the signature of the person who took the minutes and, except in the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communication service, the signature of the Customer, – the place and time of taking the minutes, – in the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communication service, the unique identification number of the complaint.

The Consumer is obliged to cooperate with the Service Provider in the investigation of the complaint and to provide the necessary information and documents.

  1. Content management

The Service Provider aims to protect the interests and fundamental rights of Consumers.
Insurance. In order to ensure the security and reliability of the content on the website, the Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally decide on the scope of data and information displayed on the website, in particular but not limited to the way in which they are displayed, the place where they are displayed, the duration of their display, and to change the rules relating to the content. The Service Provider is entitled to suspend or remove any content that is deemed illegal or in breach of these GTC or other applicable law or morality accepted by society.

Consumer about illegal content to, complaint, is entitled
by post (PetWiseCare Kft.  1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I.floor door 2 .),  by e-mail ( or via the Chat window on the website  (“Send a question”, “Start a chat”, “Hi, how can we help you?”). The Service Provider reserves the right, at its sole discretion or based on the complaint submitted, to monitor and moderate any content uploaded by the Consumer that violates these Terms and Conditions  in any other way deemed unlawful. As soon as the Service Provider becomes aware of such content, it will take immediate action to remove it or terminate access to it.

The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend its services for a reasonable period of time and after prior warning to those who place illegal content on the website.   This includes in particular, but is not limited to, content that is offensive, hateful, inflammatory or otherwise in violation of these Terms and Conditions or other applicable laws or accepted moral standards of society. In such a case, the Service Provider reserves the right to prohibit any Consumer from displaying public reviews or uploading other content. The Service Provider shall notify the Consumer in writing in advance of the restriction, the reasons for the restriction and the remedies available to the Consumer, and the restriction shall last for a maximum of 10 days in the first instance. If the Consumer posts unlawful content on the website more than three times and, despite repeated warnings by the Service Provider, continues to act in violation of these GTC, the Service Provider shall be entitled to suspend or terminate the User’s account.  

In cases where the Consumer has previously submitted a notification with the same content and the notification has already been examined by the Service Provider, or the Consumer’s notification is clearly abusive, not in good faith  or the notification lacks precise information, reasons and facts as to why the content is unlawful, the Service Provider is entitled to temporarily  suspend the possibility of notification. The suspension will be notified to the consumer in advance. The suspension shall not exceed 10 days for the first time.  

Consumers who upload content to the website (e.g. by submitting a text review), as well as Consumers using the website and other individuals who have reported unlawful content to the Service Provider, may complain about any decision of the Service Provider regarding the content, in particular regarding the display or removal of the content (internal complaints handling system). Consumers may also complain against a decision to restrict content, suspend or terminate a User account.

The Service Provider will inform the Consumer of the method of filing such a complaint in its decision to suspend or terminate the User’s account or to make the content unavailable or remove it. 

Complain within 6 months of receipt of the decision by the Consumer
of the Consumer. 

Notifying Consumers and individuals who have made the above-mentioned
are the addressees of decisions, they are entitled to choose one of the 2022. (eu) 2022/2065 of 19 October 2022 for the resolution of disputes relating to decisions of the Service Provider and for the resolution of complaints that have not been resolved through the internal complaints handling system. The contact details of certified out-of-court dispute resolution bodies shall be published by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

  1. Conciliation and other remedies

The Service Provider and the User shall try to settle their disputes amicably. The consumer has the right to lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authority. If the Consumer’s complaint is rejected in whole or in part, or if the time limit set above for the investigation of the complaint has expired without result, the Consumer may turn to the competent authorities of the place of residence:
Contact details of consumer protection authorities:
Operating in Budapest as part of the V. District Office of the Metropolitan Government Office
Department of Consumer Protection
Address: 1051 Budapest, Sas u. 19. III. em.
phone: +36 (1) 450-2598
e-mail address:

In the event of a consumer complaint, the consumer can use the EU online dispute resolution platform, which requires registration with the European Commission. If you are a consumer, you can submit your complaint via the following interface:

In the event of a complaint, the user has the possibility to appeal to a conciliation body. 

Contact details of conciliation bodies by territorial jurisdiction:

The conciliation body has the power to settle consumer disputes out of court. The conciliation body shall t’s role is to try to reach a settlement between the parties to resolve a consumer dispute. The service provider has a duty of cooperation in the conciliation procedure. In this context, it must send its reply to the conciliation body and ensure the attendance at the hearing of a person authorised to negotiate a settlement.

If the head office or place of business is not located in the is registered in the county where the chamber of commerce is located, the business’s duty of cooperation extends to offering the consumer the possibility of a written settlement in accordance with his or her wishes. In the case of cross-border consumer disputes relating to online service contracts, the conciliation body attached to the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the only competent body.

The Consumer has the right to take the matter to court in the event of a dispute regarding the complaint.

  1. Miscellaneous and final provisions

The Customer’s order by electronic means presupposesthat the Customer has technical and legal knowledge of electronic commerce. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any lack of such knowledge or for any defects in the electronic products due to the fault of the IT and telecommunications service providers (e.g. the Internet service provider). The Customer is responsible for protecting his/her computer and the data on it. If a binding legal provision or a court decision limits or invalidates any provision of these General Terms and Conditions, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

The Hungarian Civil Code (2013. évi V. tv.) and other applicable legal provisions shall prevail with regard to issues not regulated in these General Terms and Conditions.

The contract between the parties is governed in particular by the following legislation: 17 – 1997. CLV. CLV of the Consumer Protection Act; – 2013. Act V of 2001 on the Civil Code; – Act No. 2013. Act on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services; – Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses.  

Communications between the Parties shall be deemed to have been served on the date of receipt in the case of postal mail, or on the date of confirmation in the case of email. If the postal item is refused by the addressee or is returned with a “not wanted”, “addressee unknown”, “moved” or similar indication, the item shall be deemed to have been returned to the addressee on the 5th day after the date of dispatch. The consignment is deemed to be delivered on the 5th day after the date of dispatch. If the email is not acknowledged by the recipient, it will be deemed delivered on the 5th day after it is sent. day after the sending of the email. All content (service and product descriptions, text, images, graphics, etc.) displayed by Petwisecare on the Website is considered intellectual property and is therefore protected by copyright, the copyright holder is PetWiseCare Kft. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction or other use of any content is considered a violation of copyright and is prohibited. Petwisecare disclaims any liability for any conduct of users of the Website or for any damages arising from the use of the Website. The user of the Website assumes full and exclusive responsibility for its own conduct. Petwisecare reserves the right to unilaterally amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any modification to these Terms and Conditions shall not affect fixed-term contracts or services during the fixed term. Otherwise, the amended provisions shall apply from the 16th day following their notification. They shall enter into force on the day of their publication. The invalidity of certain provisions of the GTC shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of the GTC which are not affected by such invalidity. The processing of users’ personal data is governed by the Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or comments about the Website, you can contact us at For questions or concerns about the services available on the Website or these Terms and Conditions, please visit the FAQs or contact us at our contact details.

These General Terms and Conditions 2024. 03.13. napján lépnek hatályba, az ezt követően létrejött szerződések tekintetében alkalmazandók.